Friday, October 9, 2015

The Martian

Matt Damon in The Martian
The Martian is the newest movie from the veteran director Ridley Scott. You may know Scott's movies from The Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, and Alien. His latest movie starts on a mission on Mars which a team of astronauts is collecting data samples for a team of scientists. Things soon go down hill as a storm races in on the barren planet and Matt Damon's character, Mark Watney, is left alone the planet as his team leaves due to the storm. He is left to find ways to make food for himself from the artificial living areas that Nasa has left on Mars from previous missions.

Visually, the movie is striking and one that should actually be watched in a movie theater and not on a television set at home. Many people try to stay critical to the facts behind a movie, and The Martian seems to give you every fact you need if you need to survive on Mars. I thought watching this movie that the storyline was rather predictable, but a solid one. Many people want to see problems happen and have the character overcome more and more obstacles, and I think it misses what could of been a more climactic ending. In the end, if your in the mood for an action film, this hits the spot sometimes, but not nearly as much as Ridley Scott's old films. The Martian co-starred Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels, and Michael Pena. Solid story line, visually striking, and good acting. I give the film a 7/10.

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie! Your review covers a lot of what I was curious about while watching the trailers, so I appreciate that. Stunning visuals are crucial to any "space film," so I'm glad that you think that it is up to par there. I was a huge fan of Interstellar and I've heard that they are similar in style- which is encouraging. Matt Damon impressed me in that film, as well. Anyways, great review! I officially can't wait to see the film.
