Friday, September 25, 2015

My Blog

      My blog is going to be about the review of movies, not new movies that are going to come out this year, I am going to try and review old and new movies. I chose the review of movies to be my blog bit because it has been something I have loved since I was a little kid. I don't just love movies because it gives you a reason to lay on the couch and do nothing but watch your television, I love the way movies are put together. I like to review movies not to critique them in some way, but to actually talk about the movie since some movies leave you questioning what you just watched. Movies can go from a hundred robots shooting guns at each other to the most plain philosophical theme. 
     So the blog topic might seem kind of boring but I will relate the movie back to a college student point of view. I'll talk about what I think a stereotypical college kid would think of the movie I last watched and give a rating from 1-10 based on whether I think a kid my age would actually like the movie.